
Can and May

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  • Unscramble the sentence: May / some / drink / I / water / ?
    May I drink some water?
  • Can you speak English?
    Yes, I can!
  • Unscramble the sentence: you / Can / my / take / picture / ?
    Can you take my picture?
  • May I sit down?
    Yes, you may.
  • Unscramble the sentence: May / some / have / I / money / ?
    May I have some money?
  • Can a fish swim well?
    Yes, it can!
  • Unscramble the sentence: play / I / May / outside / ?
    May I play outside?
  • Unscramble the sentence: I / wear / May / sunglasses / your / ?
    May I wear your sunglasses?
  • May I run in the class?
    No, you may not.
  • Can an elephant climb a tree?
    No, it can't.
  • Unscramble the sentence: I / bathroom / to / May / go / the / ?
    May I go to the bathroom?
  • Unscramble the sentence: your / borrow / May / I / scissors / ?
    May I borrow your scissors?
  • Can a giraffe drive a car?
    No, it can't.
  • May I read a book?
    Yes, you may!
  • Can you hop like a bunny?
    Yes, I can!