
Simple Compound Complex Compound Complex Sentenc ...

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  • It is thought that almost 70% of people can no longer see the Milky Way.
    Complex sentence
  • Currently, eight percent of all energy in the US is dedicated to public outdoor lighting.
    Simple Sentence
  • Unfortunately, as the developing world urbanises, it also lights up brightly, rather than opting for sustainability.
    Complex Sentence
  • Furthermore, birds and insects use the sun, the moon, and the stars to navigate.
    Simple Sentence
  • When a small earthquake disabled power plants in Los Angeles a few years ago, the director of the Griffith Observatory was bombarded with phone calls by locals.
    Complex Sentence
  • It is conceivable that children who do not experience a true starry night may not speculate about the universe, nor may they learn about nocturnal creatures.
    Compound-complex sentence
  • Certainly, light pollution makes professional astronomy difficult, but it also endangers humans' age­ old connection to the stars.
    Compound Sentence
  • In addition, reflective signage and strategic white paint improved safety more than adding lights.
    Simple Sentence
  • Leatherback turtles, which have lived on Earth for over 150 million years, are now endangered for their hatchlings are meant to follow light reflected from the moon and stars to go from their sandy nests to the sea.
    compound-complex sentence
  • The IDA recommends that where streetlights stay on all night.
    Complex Sentence