
Semester 2 ESL Review

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  • In our brain, (there is/there are) three main parts that help us control everything we do. The brain stem, the cerebrum and the cerebellum control everything from learning, breathing and controlling emotions.
    there is
    there are
  • I tried ……………………….him to come, but it was no use. (persuade)
    to persuade
  • Present perfect: The zoo _________________ (protect) the endangered animals ______________(for/since) many years.
    The zoo has protected the endangered animals for many years.
  • Write down 5 Key vocabulary words from Unit 6: Great Stories
    You are as creative as an author!
  • Write down 5 key vocabulary words from Unit 5: The Amazing Brain
    Well done , brainiacs!
  • Tag question: They know how to make spaghetti,
    don't they?
  • We use adjectives to describe nouns. The adjectives need to be in the following order: Number-opinion-size-shape-age-colour-origin-material. Use an acronym to remember! (N.O.Si.Sh.A.C.O.M.) Describe this GiF using adjective order.
    Coooool :)
  • Its means...
    it + is or has
    it shows something belongs to something else
  • its or it's? The cat licked (its / it’s) paw after dinner.
  • I wanted ……………………………….and see Wonka but no one else was interested. (go)
    to go
  • Write down 5 key vocabulary words from Unit 9 Animal Kingdom
    You must have one of the largest brains in all the animal kingdoms!
  • Choose the right connective: We didn't like the song and / next / but / so I turned it off and played Number Rock instead.
  • Tag question: Thuc An loves capybaras,
    doesn't she?
  • Tag question: You don’t know when Tutankhamen died,
    do you?
  • its or it's? (Its / It’s) important to study for the test tomorrow.
  • Claire doesn’t want………………. tomatoes after learning about food allergies. (eat)
    to eat
  • The zero conditional is used to express general truths or facts that are always true. It is formed using “if/when + present simple, …, present simple”. Choose the best example:.
    When I was going to school, I saw a school bus.
    If I study hard, I will pass the test!
    When I read stories, I feel more creative.
    When I ate a hamburger, I felt very full!
  • I enjoy………………………………to music but I dislike playing piano. (listen)
    to listen
  • its or it's? (Its / It’s) a beautiful day for a picnic in the park.
  • Past simple and past continuous:The archaeologist (study) ____________ an ancient artifact when it (reveal) ____________ a hidden inscription.
    was studying...revealed
  • The zero conditional is used to express general truths or facts that are always true. It is formed using “if/when + present simple, …, present simple”. Finish the zero conditional statement:If you disturb an ancient Egyptian tomb,
    you get cursed.
    you climbed inside a pyramid.
    you went to Egypt.
    you will see a mummy.
  • The zero conditional is used to express general truths or facts that are always true. It is formed using “if/when + present simple, …, present simple”. Choose the best example:.
    When I ate a hamburger, I felt very full!
    When I was going to school, I saw a school bus.
    If I study hard, I will pass the test!
    When I read stories, I feel more creative.
  • John doesn’t like………………………………fast-food after learning about childhood obesity. (eat)
    to eat
  • In the rainforest, (there is/there are) a type of tree that produces latex, which is then made into rubber.
    there is
    there are
  • Create your own there is/ there are statement about the rainforest.
    Great work, little rascal!
  • Past simple and past continuous:The lion (roar) ____________ loudly when it (see) ____________ a group of hyenas approaching.
    was roaring... saw
  • Write down 5 key vocabulary words from Unit 8 Rainforest
    Deforestation is bad but you are so good!
  • Finish the zero conditional: When ice gets warm,
    it melted.
    it melts.
    it's going to melt.
    it will melt.
  • Present perfect: The scientists _________________ (study) the ancient civilization ______________(for/since) they discovered the ruins.
    The scientists have studied the ancient civilization since they discovered the ruins.
  • Present perfect: She _________________ (exercise) her brain power ______________(for/since) she started solving puzzles.
    She has exercised her brain power since she started solving puzzles.
  • Past simple and past continuous:The explorers (explore) ____________ the rainforest when they (spot) ____________ a rare bird.
    were exploring........spotted
  • Adverbs of degree: This tree produces little / extremely large amounts of rubber. Enough to make many different products!
  • Wite down 5 key vocabulary words from Unit 7: Ancient Rome and Egypt
    You are historically good at this!
  • Choose the right connective: My mom packed my lunch, and / next / but / so I didn’t eat it because I wasn't hungry.
  • Adverbs of degree: It’s rather / extremely warm today, so maybe you should wear a t-shirt.
  • Connectives Words like and, so, but, when and next are used to connect parts of a sentence together. We use and to:
    providing results
    time and sequencing
    adding ideas
    contrasting ideas
  • Adverbs of degree: The film was quite / a little sad at the end. I cried for at least 5 minutes!
  • Connectives Words like and, so, but, when and next are used to connect parts of a sentence together. But is used for
    providing results
    adding ideas
    contrasting ideas
    time and sequencing
  • its or it's? The bird spread (its / it’s) wings and flew away.
  • (There is/There are) a special place, called the Amazon Rainforest, where many different plants and animals live.
    There are
    There is
  • We use imperative verbs to give instructions. Verbs in the imperative form are in the present tense and have no +s, +ing or +ed. Give three imperative instructions.
    Good job, little buddy.
  • I can't stand………………………………in line for snack. (wait)
    to wait
  • We use adjectives to describe nouns. The adjectives need to be in the following order: Number-opinion-size-shape-age-colour-origin-material. (N.O.Si.Sh.A.C.O.M.) Describe something in the classroom using adjective order
    Coooool :)
  • It's means...
    it + is or has
    it shows something belongs to something else
  • I can't stand……………………………… about air pollution! (think)
    to think