
Weather Map Symbols

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  • A large body of air that has the same temperature and humidity.
    Air Mass
  • Identify this symbol
    Stationary Front
  • Warm air replaces cooler air
    Warm Front
  • Which type of front is heading towards Minneapolis?
    Warm Front
  • What type of front is passing through Texas?
    Cold Front
  • Cold air replaces warm air
    Cold Front
  • An air mass that forms over land and near the poles will be...
    Cold, Dry
  • An air mass that forms over water and near the equator will be...
    Warm, wet
  • What type of front is shown on this weather map?
    Cold Front
  • Which type of front is heading towards New York?
    Cold Front
  • Identify this symbol
    Cold Front
  • True or False:  When a front is over an area, there will be fair weather.
  • Identify this symbol
    High Air Pressure
  • Which front will make the temperatures warmer?
    Warm Front
  • What's going to happen to the temperature in New York in a few days?
    It's going to get cooler/colder
  • Identify this symbol
    Warm Front
  • Identify this symbol
    Low Air Pressure
  • Which front will make the temperatures cooler?
    Cold Front
  • What's going to happen to the temperature in Minneapolis in a few days?
    It's going to get warmer.
  • Warm and cold front meet, but do not move one another
    Stationary Front
  • An air mass that forms over water and near the poles will be....
    Cool, wet
  • Which front stays still and brings days of clouds and rain?
    Stationary Front
  • An air mass that forms over land and near the equator will be....
    Hot, Dry