
Sports Idioms

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  • Long shot
    A very difficult thing to accomplish
  • Get into the full swing
    Be comfortable doing something after some time
  • Jump the gun
    Start too early
  • Under the table
  • Shot in the dark
    A guess
  • Give you a run for your money
    Try your hardest to defeat another person
  • Start the ball rolling
    Begin something
  • Bark up the wrong tree
    You've got the wrong person or idea
  • To be off base
    Not making a fair or true remark
  • Call the shots
    Make the decisions
  • Take a rain check
    Accept at a later time
  • Learn the ropes
    Understand new things
  • Skate on thin ice
    Do something risky, take a chance
  • Time out
  • Front runner
    One of the people who is expected to win
  • Get a head start
    Start before all others
  • Have the upper hand
    Have a better chance of winning or succeeding
  • The ball is in your court
    It’s your decision or responsibility to do something now
  • Get off the hook
    Escape, have responsibility removed
  • Out of someone's league
    Not as good as someone
  • Keep your head above water
    Try not to fall behind in work or other duties
  • Throw in the towel
    Give up
  • Make the cut
    Be chosen to be part of a team or group
  • Go overboard
    Do or say more than you need to
  • Take the bull by the horns
    Accept the challenge and try your hardest
  • Chip in
    Help by donating money or time
  • Plenty of other fish in the sea
    There are many other options
  • Give it your best shot
    Try your hardest