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  • The bank ... (not lend) you money unless you ... (have) a good job
    won't lend / have
  • I will be disappointed if he ........................ (not come)
    doesn't come
  • Unless you study, you .... (not pass) your exams
    won't pass
  • Unless ... (take) your umbrella, you .. (get) wet
    take / will get
  • We .... (not go) to the restaurant if we .... (not be) hungry
    won't go / aren't
  • Unless you ... (practice) more, you ... (not improve).
    practice / won't
  • If he .... (not be) invited, he .... (not go) to the cinema
    isn't / won't go
  • If she ... (not / do) these exercises, she ... (not / improve) her results
    doesn't do / won't improve
  • You can't go on holiday IF / UNLESS you save some money
  • I ... (buy) a new dress if I ... (have) enough money.
    will buy / have
  • If you ... (not quit) smoking, you ... (feel) sick
    don't quit / will feel
  • If Paul ... (feel) lonely, ...  he ... (call) his friends?
    feels / will ... call
  • She ... (not be able to) sleep if she ... (watch) that horror film
    won't be able to / watches
  • They will go to the party if they .......... (be) invited
  • If the weather doesn't improve, we ....................... (not have) a picnic
    won't have
  • If you .... (go) to the supermarket, I ...... (cook) dinner
    go / will cook
  • If you .... (stay) awake all night, you .... (be) very tired tomorrow
    stay / will be
  • She ..... (stay) in London if she .... (get) a job
    will stay / gets
  • If we ... (not hurry), we ... (be) late
    don't hurry / will be
  • UNLESS / IF you eat less sweets, you won't be healthy
  • They .... (not forgive) you if you .... (not say) you are sorry
    won't forgive / don't say
  • If I ................ (not pass) my exam, I .................. (not get) a better job
    don't pass / won't get
  • If you .... (send) this letter now, she ... (receive) it tomorrow
    send / will receive
  • If Rick ... (drive) too fast, he ... (have) an accident
    drives / will have
  • She ..... (take) a taxi if it .... (rain)
    will take / rains
  • If we .... (be) late, we .... (take) a taxi
    are / will take