
Battle of Badr

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  • What was the first battle that took place between the Muslims and non Muslims?
  • Options given to the prisoners of war were...
    to pay fine or to teach 10 kids how to read and write
  • How many Muslims were martyred and how many Qurayshis were killed in this war?
    14 Muslims and 70 Quraysh
  • the other name for the battle of Badr
  • The battle was between the army of Muslims consisted of and the army of Quraysh consisted of
  • The prisoners of war were....
    treated with respect
  • The Battle of Badr was the .........................battle in Islam
  • During the heat of the Battle of Badr, the Prophet Muhammad was said to have done what?
    thrown sand into the air in the direction of the enemy
  • Badr is located _____ miles away from Madina
    60 miles
  • ________ angels helped Muslims defeat Quraysh in the Battle of Badr.
  • How many camels did Muslims/Quraysh have?
  • The battle was between....
    Muslims and Quraysh
  • The battle of Badr occurred on .......................... at ................year after Hijrah.
    17th Ramadan / 2
  • Who was the leader of the Quraysh army?
    Abu Sufyan
  • The army of ............................. was fully equipped while others were weak and unequipped
  • Poor captives from Quraysh were ______________________.
    released and pardoned
  • Reasons why Muslims won the Battle Of Badr
    They believe and have faith in Allah and Allah sent Angles to help them
  • Who was the famous companion who could not join this battle, because his wife was sick?
  • What else is God said to have done to the Meccan's the night before the Battle of Badr?
    Heavy rain fell on the hill where they were camped
  • In the battle of Badr _____________ was killed.
    Abu Jahl