
Coastal Seas Review

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  • Where is the Great Barrier Reef?
  • What covers 70% of the Earth's surface?
  • What is a large group of fish called?
    A School of Fish
  • What animal is this?
    Manta Ray (or Sting Ray)
  • What are some negative impacts of commercial fishing?
    Over fishing, which can lead to loss of biodiversity and the destruction of ecosystems.
  • Are High Seas shallow or deep?
  • What animal is this?
    Humpback Whale
  • What animal is this?
    Sea Lion
  • What animal is this?
  • What animal is this?
  • What animal is this?
    Sea Urchin
  • Where are The Everglades?
  • What animal is this?
  • What's a coral reef?
    An underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals
  • What's an ecosystem?
    A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  • What's commercial fishing?
    Capturing large quantities of fish to profit a business
  • What is recreational fishing?
    Capturing small quantities of fish for fun!
  • What animal is this?
  • What is the pH of pure water?
  • What is the prey?
    The animal being hunted
  • What is a predator?
    The animal doing the hunting
  • What coastal tree is this?
    A Mangrove
  • Where are the Kelp Forests located?
    The North Pacific Coastal Seas
  • Are Coastal Seas shallow or deep?
  • What are some factors contributing to the destruction of Coral Reefs today?
    Climate Change has caused ocean temperatures to rise, contributing to Coral Bleaching
  • How do we define Climate Change?
    The change in global or regional climate patterns, which has been accelerated by human factors and lead to the destruction of many fragile ecosystems