
CS 30 Unit 2 Knowing God

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  • an attitude or habit that leads us to do good - defines what word?
  • Art is a great tool for THIS in our faith
  • What is the eucharist?
    Literally Jesus' body and blood
  • This type of grace is like nourishment for our souls - we need it for our souls to be healthy
    sacramental grace
    sanctifying grace
    actual grace
    special grace (charism)
  • Faith, hope, and love (charity) draw us into a greater knowledge of God and are called WHAT vitrues?
  • A call from God to share His love with others and grow in holiness - defines what word?
  • Noway just happened to be sent to a hospital ran by Jesuit priest and he came to know Jesus because of them
    actual grace
    sanctifying grace
    special grace (charism)
    sacramental grace
  • What "things" are seen when we use the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    the 9 fruits of the spirit
  • A person who uses their gift of joy, kindness, and hospitality makes customers at their restaurant feel valued and joyful DEMONSTRATES which type of grace?
    special grace (charism)
    sanctifying grace
    actual grace
    sacramental grace
  • When did the Holy Spirit first come to dwell in the hearts of the 12 Apostles?
  • What does the word "eucharist" mean?
  • Actively sharing the Good News through word and deed - defines what term?
  • Jesus walking on water is an example of what type of miralce?
  • Jesus heals a blind man - what type of miracle?
  • Marvelous and unexpected events (signs and wonders) that can only be attributed to the presence and power of God - defines what word?
  • Focused on "re-evangelizing" people who are baptized, but have left the Church for various reasons - defines what term?
    New Evangelization
  • You receive this type of grace in the sacrament of Baptism and confirmation
    special grace (charism)
    sanctifying grace
    actual grace
    sacramental grace
  • The free, underserved gifts of God's loving mercy and forgiveness - defines what word?
  • The moment as Mass when the ordinary bread and wine change into the body and blood of Jesus is called what?
  • Jesus brought Lazarus back to life - what type of miracle?
    Restorations of Life
  • The Gospel writer John, uses THIS WORD instead of miracle in his Gospel.
  • THIS is described as wind, fire, breath, invisible energy - and it dwells within each one of us
    The Holy Spirit
  • Matt 28: 19 says "go therefore and make disciples of all nations" - WHAT are we being told to do?
    read the Bible
  • Prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice are essential for Christian living and are known as WHAT virtues?
  • The physical miracles that Jesus performed were great, but the spiritual change within the people is the more important miracle. True or False
  • Jesus drives demons out of people - describes what type of miracle?
  • taking time to deeply contemplate God's call in your life - defines what word?