
Protection and enforcement of human rights

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  • What do the IMT, ICTY, ICTR, ICC and ICJ stand for?
    International Military Tribunal, International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda...
  • In what year did the Rwandan genocide finally end?
  • The UN Security Council authorised troops from which country to intervene in the Rwandan genocide?
  • Which country played the biggest role in creating a divide between the Hutu and Tutsi people?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide?
  • Approximately how many Tutsi people died in the Rwandan genocide?
  • Which people were persecuted in Myanmar and why?
    The Rohingya because of their Muslim faith.
  • For how many days the genocide approximately last?
    100 days
  • Which country filed a case against Myanmar for violating the Genocide covention?
    The Gambia
  • What excuse did the Myanmar government give for their actions?
    They insisted that its military campaign was waged to tackle an extremist threat in Rakhine state.
  • Where did the majority of the persecuted people of Myanmar flee to?
  • What is the ICTY most remembered for?
    Bringing an end to impunity.
  • What are the "10 Hutu commandments"?
    Mille Collines radio, which was popular for its pop music and sports programs, fuelled the genocide by urging Hutu civilians to hunt down and kill Tutsis.
  • Why were the Nuremberg trials held in Nuremberg?
    It wasn't heavily damaged and it was known for hosting many Nazi rallies.
  • Which nations formed the tribunal for the Nuremburg trials?
    USA, France, UK and USSR
  • What does impunity mean?
    Exemption or immunity from punishment or recrimination