
Behavioral and Social Learning Theories

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  • What is an example of a social reinforcer?
    A social reinforcer is a primary reinforcer that mainly focuses on positive attention. Praise, a smile, hug, clapping.
  • Schedule of reinforcement is reinforcements for teachers who need to use the restroom. True or False
    Flase: This term refers to the frequency with which reinforcers are given and the amount of time that elapses between opportunities. (Slavin, 2018)
  • "After you finish your worksheet, you can play an early finisher activity." is an example of The Premack Principle. True or False
    True. The Premack Principle states that "We can promote behaviors by making access to something desirable contingent on doing something less desirable." (Slavin
  • When you guide students towards goals by reinforcing steps that lead to the success of the final goal, this is an example of:
    The B.F Skinner Principle
    Aversive stimuli
    Classical conditioning
  • An unpleasant consequence will strengthen all behaviors. True or False
    False. And unpleasant consequence will weaken a behavior. Ex. If a student finds stories boring or difficult to understand they may read less. (Slavin, 2018)
  • Observational Learning is:
    Principles observing teachers.
    Watching wildlife in nature.
    Learning through observing a person modeling a behavior.
    Watching informational videos in the classroom.
  • Behavorial learning theory focuses on the ways the pleasureable or unpleasant consequences change ones behavior over time. True or False
    True. Behavioral learning theory does focus on how positive and negatives reinforcement shapes our learning. (Slavin, 2018)
  • A student likes to talk during rug time and pokes other students for attention. The teacher generally calls out the student and asks them to sit next to her. This time the teacher ignores the behavior. This is an example of:
    Neutral Stimuli
    Fixed- interval
  • When a teacher calls "Oh Class!" and waits for the students to respond "Oh Yes?" this is and example of:
    A response cost
    Neutral stimuli
    Secondary reinforcer
  • What is operant conditioning?
    The use of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to change behaviors in students. (Slavin, 2018)
  • A reinforcer is:
    a review of topics taught during a students week.
    when a negative behavior increases in frequency.
    a way to encourage diversity in a classroom.
    a positive consequence that strengthens a behavior.