
Family Feud

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  • What's something that in can see on the floor in your house?
    Paper, Object toys,clothes, backpack, floor/carpet, Pen/Pencil
  • Something you do right before bed?
    Brush your teeth, Read, Eat, Drink water, Say prayers
  • In which place are you told your inside voice?
    Classroom, Library, Hospital, Movie theater, Place of Worship
  • What do you love about Summer?
    Summer Vacation, Can go to the Beach, The weather, Can eat ice cream, Can go out and play
  • What are things that come in pairs?
    Shoes, Socks, Feet, Hands, Eyes
  • What melts when it gets hot?
    Snow, Candle, Butter, Cheese, Crayon
  • Things kids throw at one another?
    Toys, Food, Pillows, Balls, Paper
  • Things you find in a picnic basket?
    Sandwiches, Cookies, Napkins, Chips, Juice
  • Name something you might eat with a hamburger?
    French Fries, Soup, Salad, Onion rings, Tater tots
  • What can you find in the kitchen?
    Refrigerator, Stove, Sink, Food, Plates
  • What can you find in out of space?
    The sun, the moon, Stars, Planets, Spaceships
  • What is something you look forward to?
    Prom, Graduation, Getting a Driver's License, College, Freedom, adulting
  • Which household chores do kids hate doing?
    Cleaning their room, Walking the dog, vacuuming, Mowing the Lawn, Raking Leaves
  • What's something you can do that is good for the envirnment?
    Recycle, Don't litter, Use less water/Shorter showers, Reusable Containers, Don't water the grass
  • What would you find at the North Pole?
    Santa Claus, Elves, Snow, Reindeer, Santa's Sleigh,
  • What is one thing your parents tell you not to waste?
    Water, Money, Time, Life, Food
  • The person who give you the best advice?
    Dad, Friends, Grandparents, Teachers, Mom, Uncle, Auntie
  • When do kids close their eyes?
    Sleep, Prayer, Scary Movie, Hide and seek, Making a wish?
  • What could an astronaut see out of the space station's window?
    Earth, Moon, Space, Satellites, Comets
  • Things found in a park?
    Swings, Benches, Flowers, Grass, Trees
  • What is a kid favorite snack at the movie theater?
    Popcorn, Nachos, French fries, Chips, Tacos
  • Name something that many people do just once a week?
    Church, Groceries/shopping, Clean house, Sleep in
  • Name something that is Cold?
    Ice Cream, Snow, Ice, water, milk
  • Name something you see at a Carnival?
    Ferris wheel, Carousel, Cotton candy, Fried Food, Brightlights
  • What do Parents never allow kids to skip?
    Breakfast. Brushing Teeth, Bedtime, Homework, Cleaning room
  • Name a Famous Wizard?
    Harry Potter, Merlin, Gandalf, Dr. Strange, The Wizard of oz
  • Name a food you can eat with your hands?
    Pizza, Tacos, Burgers, Sushi, Fruit
  • Reason your teacher wants to talk to your parents?
    Bad grades, Misbehaving in class, Not doing Homework, Cheating, Bullying
  • What are the things you see at a beach?
    The sand, The ocean, Seagulls,Seashells, seaweed
  • A vegetable you dislike eating?
    Broccoli, Brussels, Carrot, Peas, Spinach