
Surface Area Review

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  • Draw the side view of this object
    3 squares across - 3 squares high
  • What is the largest ocean on Earth?
  • Draw this as a 3D object
    Did you draw the domino?
  • Which fish has no brain or heart?
    jelly fish
  • Find the surface area.
    1922.65 ft2
  • Find the total surface area.
    4398.23 in2
  • .
    144.91 in2
  • Draw the net
    Net net net
  • Find the surface area.
    150 cm2
  • What is the capital of Canada?
    Ottawa, ON
  • Find the surface area.
    226.19 m2
  • .
    162 cm2
  • What color shorts does Mickey Mouse wear?
  • In square kilometers, which Canadian province is the smallest?
    Prince Edward Island
  • .
    204 cm2
  • .
    790 m2
  • Find the total surface area.
    352 in2
  • Find the total surface area.
    753.98 in2
  • Draw the net
    Please don't draw it like a penis...
  • .
    360 cm2
  • How many days are in the month of May?
  • What shape does this make?
    It doesn't - the net doesn't net properly
  • .
    200 in2
  • .
    384 in2
  • What is the largest rain forest in the world?
    Amazon Rain Forest
  • Draw the net
    Netty net net
  • .
    96 cm2
  • What is the slowest moving mammal in the world?
  • Find the surface area.
    245.04 cm2