
Context Clues

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  • Tim went to the museum every weekend because he was so ENAMORED by art. A) angered B) repulsed C) fascinated D) bored
    C) fascinated
  • I MEANDERED through the woods taking my time to explore. A) hurried B) ran C) wandered D) jogged
    C) wandered
  • The diamond ring was RADIANTLY shining on her finger. A) brightly B) barely C) dimly D) dully
    A) brightly
  • Grandpa didn't know that it was going to rain on the fishing trip, and now he had to ALTER his plans. A) continue B) change C) help D) swim
    B) change
  • The girl LANGUIDLY put on her jacket as if she had no energy at all. A) slowly B) quickly C) promptly D) actively
    A) slowly
  • She was BEWILDERED by his lack of interest in the new superhero movie. A) spoiled B) questioned C) calmed D) mystified
    D) mystified
  • After falling many times on his skis, Doug was RELUCTANT to ski down the mountain again.A) unwilling B) readyC) happy D) excited
    A) Unwilling
  • Tracy held the FRAGILE flower gently so the stem wouldn't break. A) delicate B) pretty C) sturdy D) prickly
    A) delicate
  • The cat SCUTTLED quickly around the room without lying down at all. A) walked B) crawled C) ran D) snuck
    C) ran
  • After the bird escaped, Chris tried to COAX it back into the cage with treats. A) punish B) keep C) frighten D) encourage
    D) encourage
  • The bird was PERCHED up on a branch looking down at the people below. A) sitting B) eating C) feeding D) jumping
    A) sitting
  • On the way to her room after just having been grounded, Tammy MURMURED something under her breath. A) screamed B) sang C) slipped D) whispered
    D) whispered
  • Jackie was MORTIFIED after her puppy ripped her friend's brand new sweater. A) joyful B) grateful C) sad D) embarrassed
    D) embarrassed
  • The LANKY dog was not fat, even though he was eating all the time. A) friendly B) chubby C) furry D) thin
    D) thin
  • The smooth dancer moved with ELEGANCE across the stage. A) bumpy B) grace C) beautiful D) clumsy
    B) grace
  • Since athletes must stay in great shape, they SELDOM eat junk food. A) hate B) rarely C) always D) try to
    B) rarely
  • The odor from the refrigerator was very FOUL, but the freezer smelled fresh. A) unpleasant B) pleasant C) helpful D) fragrant
    A) unpleasant
  • The SATURATED, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake. A) smelly B) dirty C) soaked D) old
    C) soaked
  • The lake water GLISTENED in the afternoon sun. A) sparkled B) darkened C) dulled D) freshened
    A) sparkled
  • Some people feel PERPLEXED by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly. A) relaxed B) calm C) at ease D) confused
    D) confused
  • Kim didn't like her new haircut until several people made REMARKS on how nice it looked. A) jokes B) comments C) questions D) names
    B) comments
  • The judge questioned the witness, but he sat silent and DECLINED to answer. A) refused B) agreed C) continued D) accepted
    A) refused
  • Sam was so hungry that he didn't leave a single PARTICLE of muffin on the plate. A) plate B) piece C) red D) tasty
    B) piece
  • The rays from the rising sun shone SPLENDIDLY through our window. A) dim B) ugly C) beautifully D) rudely
    C) beautifully