
U10.1- Idioms- eft4

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  • the customer’s needs and preferences should be the top priority, even if they may not always be correct. It emphasizes the importance of providing excellent service and meeting the customer’s expectations.
    The customer is always right
  • Business is good at the moment but we foresee problems in the near future.
    on the horizon
  • Dealing with difficult guests
    I’ll do my best to smooth things over
  • Prices have to be reduced to a bare minimum during a recession or you get no sales at all.
    cut to the bone
  • A rise in interest rates could slow down our potential for further investment.
    put the brakes on
  • The original promotional video didn't have a budget and was filmed for almost nothing.
    on a shoestring
  • When confirming a reservation, you can use
    We’ve got you booked
  • Unfortunately, when fuel costs go up, it's the passenger who has to pay.
    foot the bill
  • The price of real estate in cities like Moscow or London is rising very rapidly.
    going through the roof