
13 Story Treehouse (Ch 5-7 questions)

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  • What is this?
    postman, parcel
  • Where does Andy find Terry when he goes missing?
    The toliet
    A laboratory
    Watching TV again
    In a swimming pool
  • What's Terry's favorite TV show?
  • What does Mr. Big Nose want?
    He wants the catnary.
    He wants the TV.
    He wants some lemonade.
    He wants the finished book.
  • Don't be sad, look ____________. It's not that bad.
    on the bright side
  • What does Andy do to the TV after they watched it?
    He hits it with a giant banana.
    He turns it off.
    He throws it outside.
  • Aw! Look at the baby penguin __________,
  • What does Terry say he needs to do to the water to make it safe for the Sea Monkeys?
    Boil the water
    Buy bottled water
    Add salt
    Purify it
  • Andy is angry when Terry says they must wait 24 hours before adding the eggs to the water. What does he do?
    Put a jar on Terry's head
    Throw the eggs out
    Throws Terry out of the treehouse
    Whack Jerry with a banana
  • Who is Bill in chapter 7?
    He's the postman.
  • What does Terry put the greedy sea monkey in?
    A cup
    His hands
    A tank
    A beaker
  • What two shows does Terry love?
    Baa Baa, and Barky
    Woofy and Buzzy the Bee
    Meow Meow and Bark Bark
    Barky and Buzzy the Buzy Fly
  • They are having a _________ .
  • What are the 3 steps Terry needs to do to get the Sea Monkeys ready?
    Hatch them, purify their water, feed them
    Add water, Add salt, add a little lemon
    zap them, vaporize them, feed them to the sharks
    Heat them up, hatch them, scoop their poop
  • I broke my science teacher's _________ in class.
  • This is a verb for that means you can't breathe.
  • What does Terry receive in the mail?
    A new TV
    Sea Monkeys
    A PS5
    A giant banana
  • If you stand in the rain for too long, you might get ____________,
    soaking wet
    no sweat
    on the bright side
  • What will happen if Andy and Terry don't finish the book?
    They won't get to play.
    They will be stuck in the treehouse forever.
    They won't get to watch TV.
    They will go back to the monkey house.
  • How long does it take to purify the water?
    1 week
    It's already pure
    24 hours
    1 hour
  • What did Terry hit Andy with?
    A color pencil
    A big book
    A giant banana
    A giant pen
  • Andy thinks finishing the book is __________, easy.
    no sweat