
How Much - How many

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  • _____ slices of pizza do you need?
    How many / Two slices, please.
  • _______slices of bread do we need?
    How many / We need three slices (of bread).
  • _______ cups of coffee does your mom drink a day?
    How many / She drinks a cup of coffee a day.
  • _____ bags of flour have we got?
    How many / We have a bag (of flour).
  • ________ boxes of chocolate do you want to buy?
    How many / I want to buy four boxes (of chocolate).
  • _______ eggs do we have?
    How many / We need twelve (eggs).
  • _______ books did you read last year?
    How many / I read only one book.
  • _______water should we drink a day?
    How much / We should drink a bottle of water a day.
  • _______ tomatoes and onions do you need for the sauce?
    How many / I need one (tomtatoe).
  • _______ glasses of juice do you want?
    How many / Twelve glasses, please.
  • _______ butter do we need?  (o.5 g)
    How much / We need o.5 g butter.
  • _____ rice do you eat for dinner?
    How much /  A bowl of rice.
  • _______ cheesse do we need?  (1 kg)
    How much? /  We need 1 kg (butter).
  • ______ bell peppers do you want?
    How many / I want three (bell peppers).
  • _______ bread do you want?
    How much/ A loaf of bread,please.
  • ______ coke do you drink a week?
    How much / 2 cans of coke.
  • ______ oil do you need?
    How much /  A bottle of cooking oil, please.
  • _______ lessons have you got on Monday?
    How many / I got five (lessons).
  • _______ milk should I drink a day?
    How much / You should drink a glass of milk a day.