
Chemistry Sulfuric acid and Sulfate

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  • What is important sulfate salts ? (name 3)
    Na2S04.10H20 - Glauber salt, MgSO4.7H20 - Epsom salt, CaS04.2H20 - gypsum, BaSO4- barite, KAI(SO4)2•12H20 - potassium alum, CuSO4.5H20 - copper (Il) sulfate pen
  • Free 5 points
  • Highest oxidation state of sulfur ?
  • Which of the following element has a zero valency?
  • Which element is first in the periodic table?
  • What are the effects of sulfuric acid on metals?
    Sulfuric acid is corrosive to metals and can cause them to dissolve, forming hydrogen gas and metal sulfate compounds.
  • Sulfate chemical formula
    SO4 (2-)
  • how many elements are in the periodic table
  • how many groups are in the periodic table?
  • Sulfuric acid strong or weak acid ?
    Strong acid
  • Sulfuric acid as food addictive
  • Balance H2O + SO4 = H2SO4 + OH -
    2H2O + SO4 → H2SO4 + 2OH
  • Does sulfate react with sulfuric acid?
    There will not be any chemical reaction between the two.
  • Free 10 points
  • What is the sulfate in sulfuric acid?
    hydrogen sulfate ions (HSO4−)
  • Free 15 points
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  • Sulfuric acid molar mass ?
    98,079 g/mol
  • Elements that have similar properties will have the same __________ on the periodic table.
  • Sulfuric acid chemical formula
  • Sulfate molar mass ?
    96,06 g/mol
  • Atom what is it?
    The smallest particle of a chemical element, consisting of a nucleus and electrons
  • Where Sulfate use ?
    SO4 - sulfate - is widely applied in fertilizer production, water purification, medical preparations, and as a food additive.
  • H2SO4 how also called
    Hydrogen sulfate