
Georgia Government

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  • What are the two houses of Georgia’s General Assembly?
    Senate and House of Representatives
  • Who is the president of Georgia's senate?
    Lieutenant Governor of Georgia
  • In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through a specific legislative process. What is the last step in this process?
    A bill that passes both houses is sent to the governor. The governor can sign the bill and it becomes a law, or veto the bill.
  • Which step in the Criminal Justice Process is being described? The suspect agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence and there is no trial.
    plea bargaining
  • Which court is the highest court in Georgia?
  • Who is responsible for selecting the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia?
    Citizens of Georgia
  • What are the two appellate courts in Georgia?
    Supreme Court & Court of Appeals
  • Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Must be at least 21 years old, Introduce bills designed to raise revenue
    House of Representatives
  • Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Must be at least 25 years old, Approve/reject appointments by the governor, Determine the guilt or innocence of impeached officials
  • If you commit a crime at the age of 14, which court handles your case?
    Juvenile Court
  • Name 2 of the trial courts in Georgia.
    Superior, Juvenile, State, Probate, Magistrate
  • Who appoints the leaders of departments such as Department of Natural Resources and Department of Public Safety?
  • What is required in order to override a governor’s veto?
    A two-thirds vote of both houses
  • Who has the power to sign a bill into law or veto a bill?
  • Which step in the Criminal Justice Process is being described? During this step, both sides, the defense and the prosecution gather evidence.
    Preparing for trial
  • Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: Elected by popular vote, Serves a 4 year term
  • A drunk driver is accused of killing someone in a traffic accident. What type is case is this?
  • Which branch of government is responsible for enforcing the laws?
    Executive Branch
  • Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: Can veto legislation, Commander-in-chief of Georgia’s military, Signs bills into laws, Limited to serving 2 consecutive terms
  • In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through a specific legislative process. What is the 2nd step in this process?
    Either a senator or representative introduces the bill to the house s/he belongs to.
  • Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Make laws, Amend GA's Constitution
  • How long must the Governor be a resident of Georgia before being elected?
    6 years
  • What are the 3 qualifications to being a senator or a representative in Georgia?
    US Citizen, GA Citizen for at least 2 years, Resident of district for at least 1 year
  • Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?
    Speaker of the House
  • Both the Senate and House of Representatives use committees for what purpose?
    to study bills before they are sent to the members for debate and vote
  • Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: President of the Senate, Georgia’s second highest ranking executive officer
    Lieutenant Governor