
Geography India W48

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  • Which part of Delhi is the capital city of India?
    New Delhi.
  • Where is India?
    India is in Asia.
  • What colors and symbols can you see on the Indian flag?
    Saffron, white, green, and blue circle in the middle.
  • What was Mumbai formerly known as?
    It was formerly known as Bombay.
  • What is the Taj Mahal used for?
    It is a burial place for the emperor's wife.
  • Which countries share a water border with India?
    Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Indonesia.
  • Which famous mountain range borders India?
    The Himalaya Mountain Range.
  • Give 2 quick facts about India.
  • What is Mumbai most famous for?
    Bollywood - where they produce movies.
  • Where can you find the Taj Mahal?
    The Taj Mahal is located in Arga.
  • What is India’s official language?
    Hindi is India's official language.
  • Give a summary on India’s climate.
  • What are the staple foods in Indian cuisine?
    Rice, lentils, and spices.
  • What are the traditional wear for men and women called in India?
    A sari for women and a Dhoti for men.