
The Hunger Games Chapter 19

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  • What nickname does Peeta call Katniss when she finds him?
  • "You know you're kind of ____________ for such a lethal person."
  • What has been Foxface's strategy up until Chapter 19?
    "evade, not attack"
  • Where did Cato injure Peeta with the sword?
    High up on his left thigh
  • Where does Foxface probably think Thresh's domain is located?
    Over the cliff, on the other side of the lake
  • What is ironic about Peeta and Prim?
    Prim would have been more help to Peeta than Katniss is
  • What condition has the layers of mud and bottles of water disguised about Peeta
    He has a burning fever
  • What does Katniss spread over the floor of the cave?
    pine needles
  • What is attached to the parachute from Haymitch
    a pot of broth
  • What does Katniss do to confuse the Careers before she goes to find Peeta?
    Starts a smoky fire with lots of green wood
  • What clue to Peeta's whereabout does Katniss see on a boulder?
    a bloody streak
  • What does Peeta first whisper in Katniss' ear?
    "It's okay to kiss me anytime you feel like it."
  • Katniss deduces that Peeta is probably hiding near what?
    A water source
  • What does Peeta do to camoflauge himself in the water
    he uses mud and leaves, and plants to disguise himself
  • Where do Katniss and Peeta hide?
    "a small cave-like structure"
  • What is Katniss' reaction to first kissing Peeta
    She can't stop thinking about how unnaturally hot his lips are because of the fever
  • What did Katniss say she would be back in her District if she took Peeta's life after the rule change?
    a pariah
  • What happens after Katniss first treats Peeta's leg wound with the chewed up leaves?
    Pus starts running down Peeta's leg
  • What is the worst thing about Peeta's leg wound according to Katniss?
    The awful smell
  • What rule change did the Gamemakers announce at the end of Chapter 18?
    There may be two victors in the game as long as they come from the same district
  • What is Haymitch's message in sending the broth?
    "one kiss = one pot of broth"; encouraging the romance narrative
  • What does Peeta say/do that emphasizes to Katniss how sick he is?
    He refuses to eat/ He says he's not hungry
  • What did Peeta tell Katniss that Haymitch has sent him as a sponsor gift?