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  • Show a fruit!
  • What is the smallest country in the world?
    Vatican city
  • What is the largest country in the world?
  • What is the largest desert in the world?
    It’s not the Sahara, but actually Antarctica!
  • How often does a lunar eclipse occur?
    At least twice a year
  • (100X100)+10000-10000
  • What is the most common M&M color?
  • What colour reflects light, and what colour absorbs light?
    White reflects light, and black absorbs light
  • Why do bubbles pop shortly after they are blown?
    Dirt from air
  • What iconic company did Steve Jobs start?
  • What is the name for the art that does not depict recognizable objects and instead uses shapes, colour, and textures to create an effect?
    Abstract art
  • Show your pet!
  • How many of the seven dwarfs in Snow White have facial hair?
  • In what country will you find the world's tallest building?
    United Arab Emirates
  • How many bones do sharks have?
  • Where is the world’s largest art museum, the Louvre, located?
    Paris, France
  • What is the tallest mountain in the world?
    Mount Everest. The mountain peak’s summit height is 29,029 feet.
  • Does sound travel faster in the air or in water?
  • How many toes does a cat have?
    18, 10 on its front paws and 8 on its back.
  • What galaxy is the planet Earth in?
    The Milky Way
  • What national holiday is celebrated in all countries?
    New Year's
  • How many stars are there in our solar system?
    ONLY ONE! The Sun!
  • What are the names of Harry Potter's best friends?
    Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
  • In a basketball game, how many players from each team are on the court at the same time?
  • What is ‘Baby Yoda’s’ real name?
  • Show a shoe!
  • What is the largest planet in the solar system?
  • Who founded Amazon?
    Jeff Bezos
  • Show your favorite t-shirt!
  • How many elements are listed in the periodic table? Name three
  • Which fast-food chain is known for its golden arches?
  • (246X33)+2x2
  • How many minutes are in one week?
  • What is the largest ocean in the world?
    The Pacific Ocean.
  • What is the largest mammal in the world?
    The Whale
  • How many colours are in the rainbow? Name them!
    7. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Purple.