
BLUO Species - Part 5

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    Phoradendron serotinum ssp. tomentosum // Mistletoe - native Shrub (parasitic)
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    Phacelia distans // Common phacelia, Distant phacelia, Wild heliotrope - native Annual herb
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    Plagiobothrys nothofulvus // Rusty haired popcorn flower, Rusty popcorn flower, Rusty popcornflower - native Annual herb
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    Plectritis ciliosa // Long spurred plectritis, Longspur seablush - native Annual herb
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    Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus // Chick lupine, Dense flowered platycarpos, Whitewhorl lupine - native Annual herb
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    Sonchus oleraceus // Common sow thistle, Common sowthistle, Sow thistle - non-native Annual herb
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    Muilla maritima // Common muilla, Sea muilla - native Perennial herb
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    Dodecatheon hendersonii // Mosquito bill - native Perennial herb
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    Plectritis macrocera // Long horn plectritis, Longhorn plectritis, White plectritis - native Annual herb
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    Senecio vulgaris // Common groundsel, Old man in the spring, Old man of spring - non-native Annual herb
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    Thysanocarpus curvipes // Fringe pod, Fringed pod, Hairy lacepod - native Annual herb
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    Nemophila parviflora var. parviflora // Small flowered nemophila, Smallflower nemophila, Woodlandnemophila - native Annual herb
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    Perideridia californica California yampah native Perennial herb
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    Ranunculus californicus var. californicus // Common buttercup - native Perennial herb
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    Poa secunda // One sided blue grass, Pine bluegrass, Sandberg bluegrass - native Perennial grass
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    Trifolium gracilentum // Graceful clover, Pin point clover, Pinpoint clover - native Annual herb
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    Viola pedunculata // California golden violet, Johnny jump up - native Perennial herb
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    Madia gracilis // Grassy tarweed, Gumweed madia, Slender tarweed - native Annual herb