
12 april

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  • I am (предупрежадаю) you! you have to be ( осторожным)
    warning/ cautious
  • My collection is very ......(разнообразная) I have .... ( многоб достаточно)of different items of the past
    diverse/ plenty
  • I ( предупредила) him about the lie that he said. In my opinion, he has to (признанться) the truth
    warned/ admit
  • she ( откзалась) to ( разнообразить) her portfolio.
    refused/ diversify
  • The maths teacher always (изводит) me. She always yells and gives me bad marks
  • I want to add more stocks to my (капитал) portfolio
  • The ( убийца)was rightfully (обвинен) of killing all those people
    assassin/ accused
  • I sadly ( вздохнул) when she ( предупредила) about the history test
    sighed/ warned