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  • When was the Quran reavealed?
    Last 10 Days of Ramadan
  • What does Laylatul Qadr mean?
    The Night of Power
  • A night that is better than a 1000 months is called...
    Laylatul ul-Qadr
  • What are some benefits from Ramadan and fasting?
    Learning how to be patient and thankful to Allah, Makes us get closer to Allah SWT and go to Jannah, Helps us get rid of bad habits
  • True OR False, Ramadan is during the 10th month of Hijra.
  • What is the reward of staying up on Laylatul Qadr?
    Like you prayed for more than 1000 months
  • True OR False, Fasting is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam
  • The breakfast meal in Ramadan is called.....
  • What is the Eid after Ramadan called?
    Eid Al Fitr
  • During Ramadan, we break our fast at...
  • The dinner meal in Ramadan is called.....
  • What does Ramadan Mubarak mean?
    Blessed Ramadan
  • When can people eat during Ramadan?
    Before Fajr adhan and after Magrib Adhan
  • How do we know that Ramadan has started?
    The Crescent Moon
  • What is Suhoor?
    The meal before Fajr
  • Who is excused from fasting?
    Sick individuals, Travelers, Pregnant women
  • What month is Ramadan in the Islamic Calender?
  • True OR False, Ramadan is at the same time every year
  • True OR False, Laylatul Qadr is the night The Noble Quran Was Revealed.,
  • How long is the fasting period?
    Dawn to Sunset
  • How long does Ramadan last?
    29/30 Days
  • True OR False, Fasting is one of the 6 Pillars of Iman
  • Sawm/ Fasting the month of Ramadan is one of ...
    The 5 pillars of Islam
  • What is the name of the book that comes down on the Night Of Power/Laylatul-Qadr