
Outcomes Units 9-12

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  • say six things that drivers do that are dangerous or irritating.
  • your partner will say six medical problems. You say three words connected to each.
  • Who are they?
  • I don’t have a problem ... being stopped and searched, if the police think they need to do it.
  • say six sentences about transport and travel, starting with What or The thing that.
  • say five sentences about your life in five years’ time. What will you have done?
    I'll have ...
  • What is it?
  • say two sentences about things you are supposed to be doing, and two sentences about the future using should.
  • Vodescribe five things (real or imaginary) that you have done to celebrate.
    small get-together, go clubbing, have brunch, have a weekend break, rent karaoke booth
  • What is it?
    go clubbing
  • There’s no point ... worrying too much about becoming the victim of crime.
  • say four good things and four bad things about a job
    get promoted, get a pay rise, get on-the-job training, rewarding; get mad redundant, emotionaly draining, menial work, stretch myself
  • What is it?
  • say four conditional sentences about your work or studies – two about the past and two about the future.
    II Conditional and III Conditional
  • The government are running the risk ...making things worse if they’re not careful.