
Important Documents (Supreme Court Cases)

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  • I am the power of Judicial Review. I give the Supreme court power to declare laws and actions unconstituional.
    Marbury V. Madison
  • I am the Supreme Law of the land. I am strong with 7 principles written by James Madison even added a list of rights to protect you from the government
  • I was the plan of government when we were states but I failed. I had more weaknesses then strengths.
    Articles of Confederation
  • The Cherokee were bullied by Andrew Jackson to relocate. Supreme court said no they have ultimate sovereignty.
    Worcester V. Georgia
  • I told Europe to stay away. Do not colonize North or South America or you will pay.
    Monroe Doctrine
  • Separate but equal is the game if you fail to follow the rulles the results wont be fair for you.
    Plessy V. Ferguson
  • I am the 1st example of a Constitution (formal written plan of government) in the colonies
    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  • I broke up with King George on July 4th. I stated all of the grievances against him because I wanted my Life, Liberty and Happiness.
    Declaration of Independence
  • I am a copy. I added women to the list. All we wanted was to be free and treated equally.
    Declaration of Sentiments
  • We signed our names to a contract when we landed. It became the first self-governing document.1620 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
    Mayflower Compact
  • I warned you from PDA. Listen to my advice or its to late.
    Washington's Farewell Address
  • Hamilton joins forces with James Madison And John Jay to wrote a series of essays. Published anonymously. Defending the new United States Constitution
    Federalists Papers
  • Steamboats like to trade. Dont forget the federal government always has power over states especially in trade.
    Gibbons V. Odgen
  • Slavery was made legal in all territories unfortunately this man was told he cant win his freedom at least not yet.
    Dred Scott V. Sandford
  • We first met in 1619. Representative government was created here in Virginia.
    House of Burgesses
  • There are 10 of us. We give people freedoms like Freeedom of speech. We protect you from government abuse.
    Bill of RIghts
  • I am a national bank that sued the state over taxes. I won remember federal is supreme over anything.
    McCulloch V. Maryland