
Intermediate 4D

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  • Do you think advertisements reflect the values and interests of their target audience? Why or why not?
  • Can you name a few different places where you commonly encounter advertisements?
  • What do you think makes a successful advertisement? Is it the creativity, the message, or something else?
  • Think about the last advertisement you saw. What product or service was it promoting?
  • Have you ever bought a product or service because of an advertisement? What influenced your decision?
  • How do advertisements catch your attention? Do they use visuals, catchy slogans, or other techniques?
  • What is the purpose of advertisements in our society?
  • How do you think advertisers determine who their target audience is?
  • Have you noticed any trends or recurring themes in advertisements recently? If so, what are they?
  • What emotions do advertisements often try to evoke in viewers? Can you give examples?