
April 8th

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  • I need to get healthy, so I will eradicate all the sugar from my cabinets! What does eradicate mean?
    get more of
    give it away
    get rid of
    turn it into cake
  • Encompass is most closely related to what word meaning?
    leave out
  • If studying ONLY 5 minutes before the test is futile, what does that mean?
    a great decision
    better than nothing
  • We should not let our country be taken over and we will resist oppression. What does oppression mean?
    unjust treatment or control
    other countries
    mean people
  • The co-worker dented her car and did it with malice! What does malice mean?
    with milk and cookies
    on accident
    with a smile
  • It is not good to go to bed angry. We need to resolve the issue before bed. What does resolve mean?
    bury our feelings
    Come to an agreement; solve the problem
  • I don't want to just talk about ideas, I want to have a tangible activity that the kids can make and take home. What does TANGIBLE mean
    something you can only give to your mom
    Something you can touch.
    something that disolves
    something you can hear
  • There shouldn't be extra copies of the medical records. We will incinerate them so no one can read them.
    eat them
    rip them up
    destroy by burning
    file them
  • She felt remorse after hitting him; she said she was sorry. What is the best synonym for the word remorse?
  • I am not good with secret codes. I need to ask the detective for help to decipher this one! What does decipher mean?
    solve, figure out, break the code
    write out some letters
    make an arrest
    give me the secrets