
HUNGER GAMES- Chapters 12-13

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  • What does Katniss do with the head, feet, tail, skin and innards of the rabbit that she has killed and cleaned?
    Leaves them under a pile of leaves
  • How does Katniss cook the rabbit she has snared?
    She uses the dead tribute's hot coals from her fire.
  • How does Katniss know which direction to run with all the flames and smoke of the fire?
    She follows the packs of animals because "their instincts are sharper than mine"
  • What other food does Katniss get from the pond?
    little fish and roots of the pond lillies
  • What is floating on top of the pond that Katniss finally finds?
    Yellow pond lillies
  • How does Katniss know that the flames and wall of fire are humanmade?
    They have an unnatural height and uniformity
  • Who is the major commentator in the Hunger Games?
    Claudius Templesmith
  • Where was the girl from that Peeta went back and killed?
    District 8
  • What is Katniss relieved to learn about Glimmer?
    She is incompetent with the bow and arrow
  • What is Katniss' plan to avoid being driven back to the lake?
    She is going to go back around the fireline.
  • How high in the air does Katniss climb in the tree to avoid Glimmer?
    80 feet
  • How does Katniss describe the inside of the berries she picks from the bushes?
  • Why does Katniss become angry as she thinks about how thirsty she is?
    She thinks Haymitch is not helping her get water and is making her suffer.
  • What is the name of the tribute who first cliimbs the tree to try to get to Katniss?
  • Why doesn't Katniss use the sunglasses found in her pack?
    They do "something funny" to her vision
  • What chemical does Katniss add to the water to help purify it for drinking?
  • What does Katniss do when she drops out of the tree to act as if she is in control of the situation?
    She cocks her head slightly to the side and gives the camera a "knowing smile"
  • What does Katniss discover when she checks her snares?
    a "fine rabbit"
  • Who suggests to the others about Katniss, "Let her stay up there. We'll deal with her in the morning."
  • What nickname do the Careers give to Peeta?
    Lover Boy
  • What happened to "at least six inches" of Katniss' braid?
    It was burned off by a fireball
  • What purpose do the Gamemakers have in creating the fire?
    They are designed to "flush" the tributes out and drive them together
  • When would a severe burn not cause any pain?
    When the nerves have been destroyed
  • What does Katniss say wakes her from her slumber after finding the pond?
    "a stampede of feet"
  • The fireballs are about the size of what?
    an apple
  • What does Katniss say is the "worst kind of pain" for her?
  • How much water does Katniss drink from the pond over the course of a couple of hours?
    one gallon
  • Why did the Careers allow Peeta to join with them?
    They thought he could lead them to Katniss
  • What did Katniss' mother tell her the first treatment for a burn was?
    cool water
  • How does the hovercraft collect the dead tributes?
    It extends a set of large metal teeth and lifts the tributes up.
  • What did the experience of having the burned miner in their home reveal about Prim?
    Prim was a born healer
  • Whose eyes do Katniss see peering at her through the leaves?
  • What conclusion does Katniss come to as to why Haymitch has not sent her water?
    Katniss thinks she must be close to finding it soon.
  • What is causing all the animals to run away?
    A wall of fire desceding
  • Katniss describes the Careers to a pack of what?
    Wild dogs
  • What could Katniss tell about Peeta by the sound of his gait?
    Peeta was limping; he was injured
  • What happens if a person eats raw rabbit?
    They may get "rabbit fever"
  • How does Katniss make her backpack less noticeable?
    She grinds up charred wood and smears it on the backpack; smears it with mud
  • What type of tree does Katniss like to sleep in?
    A willow tree.
  • What has Peeta failed to tell the Careers about Katniss?
    She is an expert in the bow and arrow. That is why she scored an 11.