
G7 Speaking Test Questions

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  • 14. What are some traditions to celebrate Lunar New Year in your family?
    In my family, we clean the house, buy fruit and flowers, exchange lucky red envelopes, and eat traditional food during Lunar New Year.
  • and flowers, exchange lucky red envelopes, and eat traditional food during Lunar New Year. 15. What don't you like about celebrating festivals?
    I don't like the crowded places and traffic jams during festivals.
  • 1. What things do you have to do at home?
    I have to clean the house, do laundry, cook meals, and do shopping.
  • 13. What do you do to prepare for your favorite festival?
    To prepare for my favorite festival, I clean and decorate my house, buy gifts, and prepare traditional food.
  • 11. Which one is more convenient for you: traveling by motorbike or by bus?
    For me, traveling by bus is more convenient as it avoids traffic and allows me to relax during the journey.
  • 9. What types of transportation do you prefer?
    I prefer traveling by car / public buses/ Motobike as it is more comfortable and convenient for me.
  • 7. What type of luggage do you like to travel with?
    I prefer travel bags/ suitcases / handbags.
  • 2. What things don't you have to do at home?
    I don't have to ___ (fix broken things, do repairs, clean the kitchen)
  • 3. What do you have to do before exams?
    Before exams, I have to study, review my notes, and prepare by practicing sample questions.
  • 6. What problems do you think you would have when studying abroad?
    I might have problems with language, new culture, and feeling homesick when studying abroad. Also I can miss my family and friends
  • 12. What are some popular festivals in Vietnam?
    Some popular festivals in Vietnam are Tet (Lunar New Year), Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day.
  • Do you feel safe when you use public transportation?
    Yes, I do / No, I don’t
  • Do you have difficulty with school work?
    Yes, I do / No, I don’t
  • Do you think festivals are a good way to learn about another culture?
    Yes, I do / No, I don’t
  • 5. How do you feel when you pass an exam?
    I feel happy when I pass an exam because it shows that my hard work and preparation paid off.
  • What subjects do you find the easiest/the most difficult?
    I find ___ (math/science/music) the easiest subject. But ____ are the most difficult subjects.
  • 10. How often do you use public transport?
    I ___ use public transport (never, sometimes, usually)
  • 8. What types of transportation are there in your town/city?
    In my town/city, we have buses, taxis, motorbikes, and bicycles for transportation.
  • Is parking a problem in your country? (shopping malls, etc)
    Yes It is / No it isn’t
  • Do you enjoy going to school?
    Yes, I do / No, I don’t
  • Would you like to study abroad?
    Yes, I would like  / No, I wouldn’t like