
Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 14 Vocabulary

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  • Having blue eyes
    Blue-eyed (A blue-eyed girl.)
  • Having brown eyes
    Brown-eyed (A brown-eyed man.)
  • Feeling admiration or respect for someone or something
    Impressed (I was impressed by her professionalism.)
  • Deeply admired or esteemed
    Highly-respected (He is highly respected throughout the town.)
  • Earning a lot of money
    Well-paid (A well-paid job)
  • Suggested as being very good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or suggested as an action that should be done
    Highly-recommended (She is a highly recommended architect.)
  • Pleasant and attractive
    Cute (His baby brother is really cute.)
  • Showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations
    Brave (A brave soldier)
  • Feeling ashamed or shy
    Embarrassed (She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.)
  • Shaped like a curl, or with many curls
    Curly (Curly hair)
  • Worried or anxious
    Nervous (He gets very nervous before exams.)
  • Popular at a particular time
    Fashionable (A fashionable nightclub/restaurant )
  • A person or animal that violates standards of proper or appropriate behaviour
    Badly-behaved (His son is very badly-behaved.)
  • Having short hair
    Short-haired (He was allergic to his old dog so he bought a short-haired one instead.)
  • Pleased because you have got what you wanted, or because something has happened in the way that you wanted
    Satisfied (Some people are never satisfied!)
  • Famous
    Well-known (A well-known actor/artist/film star/singer)
  • Willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own
    Open-minded (Luckily, both my parents were very open-minded.)
  • Willing to give other people money, help, kindness, etc.
    Generous (She's been very generous with her time.)
  • A kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them
    Kind-hearted (He's very kind-hearted and would help anyone if they needed it.)
  • Silly or not intelligent
    Stupid (How could you be so stupid?)
  • Feeling guilt
    Guilty (She was so upset about what I'd said and I felt so guilty.)
  • Extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally
    Cruel (Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.)
  • Easy to understand, hear, read or see
    Clear (Clear instructions/directions)
  • Showing that you think something is funny
    Amused (An amused smile)
  • Behaving in a way which is not polite and upsets other people
    Rude (A rude comment/remark)
  • Upset and angry because someone you love seems interested in another person
    Jealous (A jealous husband/wife)