
Easter Scavenger Hunt

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  • Does Emma ______ a red skirt?
    Does Emma have a red skirt?
  • _____ they have a bicycle?
    Do they have a bicycle?
  • Eric ______ have a pet.
    Eric doesn't have a pet.
  • Do they _____ a hamburger?
    Do they have a hamburger?
  • Eric and Vic ______ a big house.
    Owen and Vic have a big house.
  • Lify ____ a pink dress.
    Lify has a pink dress.
  • Benjamin _____ a ball.
    Benjamin has a ball.
  • Dean _____ a new car.
    Dean has a new car.
  • Bella and Sophia ______ a pet.
    Bella and Sophia have a pet.
  • ______ Emma have a green skirt?
    Does Emma have a green skirt?