
Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 11 Vocabulary

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  • A cover filled with feathers or warm material that you sleep under
    Duvet (She snuggled down under the duvet.)
  • Very comfortable and expensive
    Luxurious (They have a very luxurious house.)
  • A cloth bag filled with something soft which you sit on or lean against to make you comfortable
    Cushion (She sank back against/into the cushions.)
  • Very beautiful or attractive
    Stunning (A stunning dress)
  • A bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom in which you wash dishes, your hands, etc.
    Sink (A bathroom/kitchen sink)
  • The system that keeps a building warm
    Heating (Is the heating on?)
  • A piece of furniture for keeping clothes in
    Chest of drawers (We need a chest of drawers for Oliver's bedroom.)
  • An area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live
    Suburb (Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.)
  • The part of a city or town where there are many businesses
    Business district (The restaurant is in the business district.)
  • A soft piece of material used to cover the floor
    Rug (My dog loves lying on the rug in front of the fire.)
  • A picturesque place is attractive to look at.
    Picturesque (The picturesque narrow streets of the old city)
  • A large building containing many apartments or offices
    Block of flats (I live in a block of flats.)
  • A building that has two floors or levels
    Two-storey house (You lived in a two-storey house across the street.)
  • A covered metal or plastic container with a handle and a shaped opening for pouring, used for boiling water
    Kettle (A litter bin)
  • Not modern
    Old-fashioned (Old-fashioned clothes/ideas/furniture)
  • Easy to use or suiting your plans well
    Convenient (We could meet at either place - whichever is more convenient for you.)
  • Very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
    Delightful (We had a delightful evening.)
  • A cupboard with shelves or drawers to store or show things in
    Cabinet (A bathroom/medicine cabinet)
  • If a room or building is furnished, there is furniture in it.
    Furnished (He's renting a fully furnished apartment by the river.)
  • A residential area has only houses and not offices or factories.
    Residential (It's a largely residential area with one or two shops.)
  • The part at the end of a pipe which controls the flow of water
    Tap (The hot/cold tap)
  • Completely new
    Brand new (The washing machine is brand new.)
  • A large cupboard for keeping clothes in
    Wardrobe (She was showing me her new built-in/fitted wardrobes.)
  • Different from everyone and everything else
    Unique (Everyone's fingerprints are unique.)
  • Large and with a lot of space
    Spacious (A spacious apartment/office)
  • Comfortable and warm
    Cosy (This room is nice and cosy in the winter.)
  • The highest level of a building
    Top floor (The penthouse apartment is on the top floor.)
  • Forming part of a continuous row of houses
    Terraced (A two-bedroom terraced cottage)