
Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 9 Vocabulary

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  • To not pass a test or exam
    Fail (A lot of people fail their driving test the first time.)
  • To do something incorrectly or erroneously
    Make a mistake (We've all made mistakes, but it's important to own up to them and learn from what happened.)
  • To watch, listen to, or think about something carefully
    Pay attention You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. (You weren't paying attention to what I was saying.)
  • A short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one done by students
    Essay (For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.)
  • The process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this
    Education (Primary/secondary/adult/university/higher education)
  • An ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it
    Skill (Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.)
  • A subject that you talk or write about
    Topic (Our discussion ranged over various topics, such as climate change and nuclear weapons.)
  • When someone studies a subject in detail or tries to find information about a subject
    Research (Scientific/medical research)
  • A number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is
    Grade (Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.)
  • A formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students
    Lecture (We went to a lecture on Italian art.)
  • To choose something
    Make a decision (I need you to make a decision so that I can start cooking.)
  • An official test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do something
    Exam (How many pupils are sitting/taking the geography exam this term?)
  • To record important details of what one hears or sees by writing or typing them
    Take notes (All of this information will be on the exam, so be sure to take detailed notes.)
  • The group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.
    Curriculum (The school curriculum)
  • To go to an event, place, etc.
    Attend (Over two hundred people attended the funeral.)
  • To study a subject before you take a test
    Revise (She's revising for her English exam.)
  • Someone who teaches one person or a very small group of people
    Tutor (A private tutor)
  • To complete a first university degree successfully
    Graduate (Tom has just graduated with first-class honours in psychology.)
  • Work which teachers give students to do at home
    Homework (Have you done your homework yet?)
  • An official instruction about what you must or must not do
    Rule (To break the rules)
  • One of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into
    Term (In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just before Easter.)
  • A qualification given for completing a university course
    Degree (What degree did you do at York? "Geography.")
  • Something that you get when you are successful in an exam or course of study
    Qualification (You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.)
  • To succeed in a test or examination
    Pass (I've passed my driving test!)