
Open world B1 Preliminary Unit 3 Vocabulary

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  • To cook food using direct heat
    Grill (Grill the fish for two to three minutes on each side.)
  • To express regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed.
    Cry over spilled milk (Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk.)
  • The quality of being hot or warm, or the temperature of something
    Heat (the heat of the sun/fire)
  • A round, deep dish used for holding soup and other food
    Bowl (A bowl of soup.)
  • The largest or most important part of a meal
    Main course (I had salmon for my main course.)
  • Go wrong
    Go pear-shaped (His birthday did not go as planned! Everything went pear-shaped!)
  • Something easily done
    Piece of cake (That test was a piece of cake.)
  • To put something with something else
    Add (Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.)
  • To reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough
    Grate (I prefer grating my cheese to slicing it.)
  • Something one likes or excels in
    Cup of tea (I can see already that storytelling isn't my cup of tea.)
  • Food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal
    Dish (a chicken/vegetarian dish)
  • To make a liquid flow from or into a container
    Pour (I poured the milk into a jug.)
  • A piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay for something you have bought or for a service you have used
    Bill (an electricity/gas/phone/food bill)
  • To view something with skepticism or not to interpret something literally
    With a pinch of salt (I'd take everything he says with a pinch of salt.)
  • An occasion when food is eaten, or the food which is eaten on such an occasion
    Meal (A hot meal.)
  • The first course of a meal
    Starter (I don't know what to have for my starter.)
  • An extra amount of money that you give to a driver, someone working in a restaurant, etc to thank them
    Tip (a 15% tip)
  • If two or more substances mix, they combine to make one substance, and if you mix two or more substances, you combine them to make one substance.
    Mix (Oil and water don't mix.)
  • A flat, round object which is used for putting food on
    Plate (paper/plastic/china plates)
  • To cause someone or something to be in a particular condition or situation
    Put (What's put you in such a bad mood?)
  • Reveal secret information unintentionally or indiscreetly
    Spill the beans (You can count on Jim to spill the beans about the surprise.)
  • To cook food in hot oil or fat, or to be cooked in hot oil or fat
    Fry (Fry the eggs in a little butter.)