
C5 mid-term 2024 revision

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  • Pollen is used by the plant to make _____.植物利用花粉制造_____。
  • Some plants produce sweet liquid called ____有些植物会产生甜味液体,称为____
  • When insects feed, small particles called ____ stick to its body.当昆虫进食时,称为____的小颗粒会粘在其身体上。
  • When seeds find the right conditions they start to _____________.当种子找到合适的条件时,它们开始_____________。
  • Pollen starts its journey in the A________. .花粉从 A________ 开始它的旅程。
  • Name 2 different ways that pollen can move from one plant to another.说出花粉从一种植物转移到另一种植物的两种不同方式。
    Own answer.
  • What attracts insects the most, petals or nectar? 什么最吸引昆虫,花瓣还是花蜜?
  • What is the female part of the plant called? 植物的雌性部分叫什么?
    The Carpel.
  • Why is the life cycle often shown as a circle? 为什么生命周期经常显示为一个圆圈?
    To show that it is a process that never ends. .
  • Pollination can be done by ____ . (5). 授粉可以通过____完成。 (5)
    Birds, animals, humans, water, and wind.
  • Seeds that are dispersed by wind are usually very ________.靠风传播的种子通常非常________。
  • Pollination is when pollen from the male A______ is moved to the female S______.授粉是指花粉从______移动到______。
    male Anther, female Stigma.
  • Why do plants hide seeds inside fruit? 为什么植物把种子藏在果实里?
    So that animals will eat them and take them far from the parent plant.
  • There are 2 stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant. True or false?开花植物的生命周期有两个阶段。 对或错?
  • Insects use flowering plants for ____ .昆虫利用开花植物来____。
  • Name 3 ways that animals and birds can disperse seeds. 说出动物和鸟类传播种子的 3 种方式。
    Stick to their fur. Eat them/poo them. Bury and forget them.
  • Name 4 main ways that seeds are dispersed.说出种子传播的 4 种主要方式。
    Wind, explosion, animals and birds, water.
  • Which stage should you be able to identify what type of plant it is. 您应该在哪个阶段能够识别它是什么类型的植物。
    Young plants.
  • Once a seed starts to grow we say it has .....一旦种子开始生长,我们就说它已经......
  • The Carpel (female) has 3 parts, the S____, the S___, and the O____ .心皮(雌性)有 3 个部分:S____、S___ 和 O____ 。
    The Stigma, the Style, and the Ovary.
  • When insects drop pollen from one plant to another, we call it _____当昆虫将花粉从一株植物掉落到另一株植物时,我们称之为 _____
  • When seeds have been spread out, we say they have been ....当种子被传播开来时,我们说它们已经......
  • What is the male part of the plant called? 植物的雄性部分叫什么?
    The Stamen.
  • The purpose of seeds is to _____________ and make new plants.种子的目的是_____________并长成新植物。
  • The male Stamen has 2 parts, the F____ and the A____ .雄性雄蕊有 2 部分,F____ 和 A____ 。
    Filament and Anther.
  • Seeds need to be __________ to find a place to grow.种子需要 __________ 才能找到生长的地方。
  • Pollen sticks to the s__________ .花粉粘在__________上。
  • Which stage of the cycle has fully grown plants? 植物在周期的哪个阶段已经完全生长?
    Adult plants.
  • Seeds that are dispersed by water are usually be able to ______. 用水传播的种子通常能够______。
  • We see the first shoots and roots at which stage?我们在哪个阶段看到第一个芽和根?
  • Name the 4 stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant.说出开花植物生命周期的 4 个阶段。
    Seeds, seedlings, young plants, adults plants.
  • The life cycle is a process that never ends. True or false?生命周期是一个永无止境的过程。 对或错?
  • Seeds that are dispersed by explosion usually _______ the seed pod.通过爆炸传播的种子通常会_______种荚。
  • How do plants and insects help each other?植物和昆虫如何互相帮助?
    Plants feed insects, and insects pollinate plants.
  • Flowers have small particles on their flowers called ______.花朵的花朵上有小颗粒,称为______。
  • Some flowering plants produce fruit with seeds in them.一些开花植物结出的果实中含有种子。
  • Fertilisation happens when the p_____ enters the ovum in the o____ .当 p____ 进入 o____ 中的卵子时,就会发生受精。
    pollen, ovary.
  • Which colour petals do bees prefer?蜜蜂更喜欢什么颜色的花瓣?
  • Flowers. have m___ and f______ parts. 花朵。 有 m___ 和 f______ 部分。
    Male and Female.