
Short Story Terms

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  • when the writer tell you what a character is like
    Direct Characterization
  • The narrator tells only what one character thinks, feels, and observes and uses "he," "they," or "she."
    3rd Person Limited Point of View
  • The narrator is a character in the story and uses "I" or "me" when telling the story.
    1st Person Point of View
  • the unraveling of a story, follows the turning point
    falling action
  • when the writer implies what a character is like
    indirect characterization
  • a character that stays the same
  • The main character of the story
  • the turning point of a story
  • The main point that the author wants you to know/take with you is the ...
  • This is a type of internal conflict
    man vs. self
  • The reader knows a lot about a character.
  • What are the four types of external conflict?
    man vs. man, nature, supernatural, society
  • The beginning of a story, introduces the setting and characters
  • What does "STEAL" stand for?
    What a character Says, Thoughts, Effects, Actions, Looks
  • The Jews' persecution during the Holocaust is man vs. ______?
  • The topic of a story is the ....
  • a character that changes
  • where and when a story takes place
  • the end of a story, how everything gets solved
  • In The Lightening Thief, Percy Jackson has to fight the demi-god Luke, the son of the messenger god Hermes. This is an example of man vs. _____?
  • the complications of a story that follow the inciting moment
    Rising Action
  • the character who opposes the main character
    the antagonist
  • The movie Alive tells the true story of a Uruguayan rugby team whose aircraft crashes in the Andes and who are forced to do anything they can to survive. This is man vs. _____?
  • The reader knows very little about the character
  • Shrek fighting Lord Farquad is man vs. ________?
  • The narrator sees into the minds of more than one character when telling the story--uses "he," "they," "she"
    3rd Person Omniscient