
Books from School

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  • An imaginary friend of this kid is a man of thirty who loves sweets
    Junior and Carlson
  • The village that was a place of funny and mysterious events
    The evenings on a farm near Dikanka
  • He was the strongest man in Ancient Greece but not the smartest
  • You need to know French to read this book from Russian literature
    Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • This novel is about an ill person who becomes a burden to a family. Most of people see only a big cockroach
    Kafka "Metamorphosis"
  • This book proves that lady is depressed but not an idiot
    "Idiot" by Dostoyevky
  • You can argue with me, but I am sure the main character of this story is a cat!
    Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
  • When your life is a dystopian reality show for a big relative
    George Orwell 1984
  • In this story people think lovers are teens, but they are not teens in that century
    Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
  • She was dressed in black and loved trains. This love was tragic
    Anna Karenina
  • You read it at school and cry over the prince. You read it when you are adult and cry over your life
    Little Prince by Exupery
  • They love these berries so much that all the garden was full of them
    Cherry Garden
  • A story about a tragic selfie from 19th century
    Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
  • He didn't want to fall in love with a girl until she became rich
    Eugene Onegin by Pushkin
  • Your first story about pirates
    Treasure Island
  • "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a ________."
    To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • She loves travelling in her dreams
    Alice in Wonderland
  • Kids, that now are over thirty years old, are still waiting for the letter from this book
    Harry Potter books
  • You read it when you are a kid at night. Your mom takes this book away for you to sleep. You are: "My precious! She took my precious"!
    Hobbit or Lord of the Rings by Tolkien