
Solutions Upper_Unit 3 Review

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  • What is American English word of "mobile"?
  • What is American English word of "torch"
  • When the teacher asked me for the answer, I just ___________ my shoulders. I really didn’t know what she was talking about.
  • Graham (must / can / may) __________________________________ (win) the match he played this afternoon. If he hadn’t won, he wouldn’t be looking so pleased with himself.
    must have won
  • Sylvia (can / should / may) __________________________________ (tell) us that she was going away. It was really bad of her to let us down in this way.
    should have told
  • 3Peter ___________ at me because he wasn’t happy with my decision.
  • Harry should stop ___________ his fingernails every time he feels a bit nervous.
  • I was so happy to hear the news, I ___________ .
  • You (weren’t supposed to / didn’t need to / mustn’t) __________________________________ (tell) Andy about the birthday party when you did. His sister wanted it to be a surprise.
    weren't supposed to
  • We both agreed with Joy’s plan so we ___________ her a thumbs up.
  • Which modal verb can not be used? I have no idea where the dog has gone. He could / might / must be hitchhiking to Australia for all I know!
  • Which modal verb can not be used in this sentence? With a bit of luck, we can / may / might be able to reach the campsite before nightfall.
  • What is American English word of "motorway"
  • What is American English word of "trainers"
  • Jack sat down, ___________ his legs, and started reading a book. He knew he had a long wait.
  • My dad always ___________ his arms when he’s fed up with waiting for us. He doesn’t say anything, but he looks impatient.
  • We aren’t supposed to / needn’t leave the school grounds at break time, but a lot of students go out to buy sweets at the shop across the road.
    aren't supposed to
  • Sue (ought to / have to / need to) __________________________________ (send) her aunt a card. It was rude of her to forget.
    ought to have
  • Josh took out a tissue and ___________ loudly into it. Then he wiped his nose.
  • Which modal verb can not be used? That might not / can’t / must not be Louisa’s guidebook. Hers is new, I think, and that looks a bit old. I’d ask her just to check.
    must not
  • You have to / should use this key to open the door. It’s the only one that will work.
  • What is American English word of "head teacher"
  • Harry has already left. I think he (might / must / should) __________________________________ (catch) the nine o’clock train, but I’m not sure.
    might have caught
  • According to safety regulations at the safari park, visitors mustn’t / needn’t leave their car windows open at any time.
  • This path must / can / should lead back to the hotel. It’s the only route there is.
  • Students ought not to / needn’t leave their bags in the corridor because they may cause an accident.
    ought not to
  • William (can’t / needn’t / shouldn’t) __________________________________ (know) about the trip. If he had known, he would have definitely come with us.
    can't have known
  • Which modal verb can not be used? The bus for Corinth must / might / could be about to leave, but since I don’t have the timetable, I can’t know for sure.
  • You (can / might / must) __________________________________ (give) me a lift! Didn’t you see me on the side of the road?
    might have given
  • You don’t have to / mustn’t wear hiking boots during the walk. It isn’t far and the paths are good. Wear trainers if you prefer.
    don't have to
  • We’re flying to the USA on Sunday. Do you think I must / should exchange euros for dollars before we go?