
Passive voice

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  • The vaccine testing (już się rozpoczęło) _____________________.
    has already begun
  • Herbivores are animals which (są anatomicznie przystosowane do) _____________________ eating plants.
    are anatomically adjusted to
  • Nobel Prize for Physics (została przyznana) _____________________ to Einstein in 1921.
    was awarded
  • The author hopes his name (nigdy nie będzie zapomniane) _____________________.
    will never be forgotten
  • The article presented a list of books which (powinny być przeczytane) _____________________ by everyone.
    should be read
  • The new regulations concerning social distancing (właśnie zostały wprowadzone) _____________________.
    have just been introduced/implemented
  • Everyone would like to know when (sklepy będą ponownie otwarte) _____________________.
    the shops will be reopened
  • Many factors (powinny być wzięte pod uwagę) _____________________ when writing a business plan.
    should be taken into consideration
  • Free access to the course (był zagwarantowany dla każdego uczestnika) _____________________.
    was guaranteed for each participant
  • Restrictions (powinny być znoszone) _____________________ with utmost caution.
    should be lifted
  • The inheritance (będzie podzielone pomiędzy) _____________________ the two brothers.
    will be divided between
  • (Właśnie uznano go za winnego) He _____________________ of murdering his wife.
    has just been found guilty
  • The man (został skazany za) _____________________ for robbery.
    was convicted
  • Informative leaflets (będą rozpowszechniane) _____________________ in large quantities.
    will be distributed
  • I (właśnie zostałem poinformowany) _____________________ about the test results.
    have just been informed
  • The flora (jest złożona z) _____________________ various species.
    is made up of/ is composed of
  • Millions of people around the world (są dotknięci) _____________________ by water scarcity.
    are affected
  • Harmful substances (są emitowane) _____________________ to the atmosphere.
    are emitted
  • The value of art work (nie może być przewidziana) _____________________.
    cannot be predicted/ cannot be foreseen
  • Our time on this planet (jest ograniczony) _____________________.
    is limited