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  • Where is Anna?
    in a village
  • What is there behind Ann?
    a lighthouse / a tower
  • Where is Elza going?
    to the balcony
  • What is there behind Olaf?
    a fireplace
  • Where is Olaf?
    on the beach
  • Where is Olaf?
    in the forest
  • What has Elza just touched?
    the windowsill
  • Where are the two sisters?
    on the skating rink / square
  • What is there next to Anna?
    A table with a place on it
  • What is Elza building?
    a bridge / stairs
  • Where is Olaf?
    in the river / lake
  • Where is Elza?
    in the palace / castle
  • Where is Olaf?
    in the field
  • What is behind Elza?