
Be Going To

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  • Speaking: What are you going to do for fun next weekend?
    Next weekend I am going to...
  • Discuss: What is he going to celebrate tomorrow?
    He is going to celebrate his birthday tomorrow.
  • Discuss: What are you going to eat for dinner tonight?
    Tonight I am going to eat...
  • Discuss: What's the dog going to do tonight?
    The dog is going to sleep tonight.
  • What is she going to do next week?
    Next week, she is going to play the piano.
  • What are they going to do tomorrow?
    They are going to play soccer.
  • Complete the sentence with going to: Liz / cook / pasta
    Liz is going to cook pasta.
  • Complete the sentence with going to: my father / not work / next Friday
    My father isn't going to work next Friday.
  • Complete the question with going to: the teacher / write an email ?
    Is the teacher going to write an email?
  • Complete with going to: We ___ write a test next lesson. Our teacher told me that.
    are going to
  • Discuss: What is Homer going to do tonight?
    He's going to study tonight.
  • Complete the sentence with going to: Martin / watch / the hockey match on TV
    Martin is going to watch the hockey match on TV.
  • Speaking: What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning?
    Tomorrow I am going to get up at...