
What´s the weather like?

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  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s lightning.
  • Is it cold?
    No, it isn´t.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s snowing.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s windy.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s sunny.
  • Is it raining?
    Yes, it is.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s raining.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s hot.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s cloudy.
  • Is it snowing?
    No, it isn´t.
  • Is it sunny?
    Yes, it is.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s cold.
  • What´s the weather like today?
    It´s stormy.
  • Is it windy?
    No, it isn´t.
  • Is it stormy?
    Yes, it is.
  • Is it lightning?
    Yes, it is.