
Grade 5 Term 2 Revision

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  • Meaning of al hutamah _______
    The Crusher
  • The chain of narrators in a hadith is called __________
  • The largest collection of hadith
    Musnad of Ahmad
  • The most serious form of slander is ………………
    the one done against Allah, saying that a) He has a son or b) He doesn't exist
  • The basis of superiority in Islam is based only on ________________
  • We must sit on our right leg when sitting for the first tashahhud. TRUE OR FALSE?
  • Name the master of Bilaal (R)
    Umayyah ibn Khalaf
  • Name of the sons of Khadijah (r)
    Abdullah & Qasim
  • The sayings and actions of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that were narrated by the companions and collected later by scholars are called ________________
  • A law that is based on a Da’if hadith is incorrect. TRUE OR FALSE?
  • What lessons can we take from the way Khadija comforted the Prophet with her words?
    i) Words can be very powerful if they are used in the right way. ii) We should use our words to comfort, motivate and make people feel good just like Khadija (r
  • Where did the Prophet (s) point at when referring to Taqwa? a) head, b) chest , 3) mouth
    b) He pointed at his chest
  • Name of the daughters of Khadijah (r)
    Fatimah, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom & Zaynab
  • What is the spiritual benefit of giving Zakah?
    It purifies us from stinginess, pride, arrogance, excessive love of wealth.
  • A believer must exercise and maintain Taqwa in 2 areas of his practical life. What are they?
    IBAADAH - our relation with Allah 2) MUAAMLAAT - Our relation with people
  • How did Bilaal (r) respond to the tortures?
    Ahadun Ahad
  • Meaning of Gharimun, Ibn As Sabeel
    1) Gharimun - Debtors   2)  Ibn As Sabeel - Travellers
  • The most accurate ahadith
    Bukhari & Muslim
  • The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said : “There is no prayer for whoever does not recite _________________of the Book.”
    AL Faatiha ( The opening)
  • Any 4 sins/vices that we have been warned against in Surah Hujurat.
    1) Not to Spy, 2) Not to mock, 3) Not to call using offensive nicknames, 4) Avoid suspicion, 5) Not to backbite and slander
  • Waraqah ibn Nawfal, Khadija's cousin, told the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that all the people of Makkah would gladly accept his message and support him. TRUE OR FALSE
    FAlse - He told that your people will try to remove you from this city
  • Meaning of al -Aa'mileena a'layha
    Zakaah officials
  • The actual text of the hadith is called ________
  • Name of Hell fire used in Surah Humazah : _________
    Al Hutamah
  • Name the person who freed him
  • What is fardh Kifaayah?
    A collective obligation with the following 2 conditions : 1) If no one does it everyone's responsible, 2) If few do it, entire communty is absolved of the duty.
  • Bilaal (r) passed away in _____________
  • State any 4 points that highlight the status of Bilaal (r)
    1) The first muaddhin in Islam, 2) Prophet (S) heard his footsteps in Jannah, 3) He was the Treasurer of Baytul Maal, 4) first slave to accept Islam.
  • WHat are the 3 reasons that make a hadith sahih?
    1) All narrators should be TRUTHFUL, 2) They should have good memory 3) They should have met each other once
  • Any 3 etiquettes related to Hadith on Permission
    1) Greet when you enter and seek permission to enter. 2) Seek permission thrice, if no one responds, return, 3) Don't stand right in front of the door