
mew mew mew 2

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  • our school ___(be) cleaner if we __(ban) single-use plastic
    will be-ban
  • find the mistake: if we recycles cans,we will be able to get money for our school
    recycles- recycle
  • find the mistake: there will be fewer sick people if we are reducing air pollution
    are reducing- reduce
  • students ___(not litter) if we ___(make) them clean the school
    won't litter- make
  • If students____ (not stop) littering, our school ___(be) full of trash
    If students don't stop littering, our school will be full of trash
  • Find the mistake: what will have happened if people don't stop littering?
    have happened--> happen
  • if there _____(be) more recycling bins,it __(be) easier to recycle
    are-will be
  • find the mistake: we will all been happier if the environment is cleaner
  • if we ___(reuse) water bottles, there ___(be) less trash
    reuse-will be
  • find the mistake: if we all will start recycling cans, will it help the environment
    will start--> start