
IELTS Reading Quiz

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  • In a T/F/NG question, if you find some text that is the opposite of the question, should you mark it NOT GIVEN?
    No - this is False.
  • Name a type of question that is not in order in the exam?
    Matching information, Matching Headings, Classification, Matching Names
  • Do you have any time at the end to input your answers?
  • If you don't know the answer or run out of time, should you guess the answers?
    Yes, you don't lose any marks for guesses
  • What is the difference between T/F/NG and Yes/No/NG
    T/F/NG is about facts, Y/N/NG is about opinions
  • Should you do matching information questions at the beginning or end of a section?
    At the end so you have an idea where the answers might be
  • If there is no title for a reading passage what do you know?
    The last question will be guess the title
  • Can you use the same technique for all types of questions?
    No - you should have different techniques for the different types.
  • How long does the reading exam take?
    60 minutes
  • How many sections in the reading exam?
  • What is the first thing you should read when looking at the reading passage?
    The title