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  • Translate: грипп, головная боль, принимать таблетки, прием у врача, рецепт
    flu, headache, take pills, an appointment with the doctor, prescription
  • Fill in with prepositions: to be scared _, remind me __, to be angry__ smb __smth, apologize __ smb __ smth, to be fond __, to be keen __, belong __
    of, of, with about, to for,of, on, to
  • Complete with the right tense. ___ you ___ (do) your homework yet? I ___ (do) it since morning and it's still not ready
    have done, have been doing
  • Modals. You _____ (not feed) the cat. I have already done it
    don't have to
  • It's quarter to 10! I ____ (be) late.
    am going to be
  • Complete the sentence. _____ glasses are these? Maybe yours?
  • Modals. You ____ wear uniform at school. And you ____ smoke!
    have to, mustn't
  • very hungry = , very cold = , 100% sure = , very happy = , very small=
    starving, freezing, positive, delighted, tiny
  • Complete the gaps. If I __ (go) to the shop in the evening, I ___ (buy) you some ice cream
    go, will buy
  • Translate: линия занята, голосовая почта, связь оборвалась повесить трубку, перезвонить
    engaged(busy), voicemail, cut off, hang up, call back
  • translate.Быть должным, одолжить кому-то, ипотека, займ, страховка, одолжить у кого-то
    owe, lend, mortgage, loan, insurance, borrow
  • Complete with the right tense. I ______ (go) home yesterday, when I ___ (see) my ex.
    was going, saw
  • Translate: чек, касса, тележка, корзина, примерочная
    receipt, checkout, trolley, basket, changing room
  • Give definition to phrasal verbs. Set off, pick up, drop off, live off, take off
  • Translate. Жареные креветки, запеченный лосось, сырые мидии
    fried prawns, baked salmon, raw mussels
  • Name as many verb phrases for the topic Relationships as you can( celebrate each other's successes, go out with smb)
  • Translate: собеседование, сильные и слабые стороны, командный игрок, карьерные цели, требования
    job interview, strengths and weaknesses, team player, career goals, requirements
  • Complete with negative prefixes. __ mature, __ responsible,__literate, __formal, __organised, __friendly
    im, ir, il, in, dis, un
  • Comparative vs superlative. I feel ___ (healthy) than last month
  • complete with prepositions: __ 6 a.m., __ February, __ 2014, __ next week, __ the 8th of March, __ Christmas, _ Easter Day, ___ the morning,
    at, in, in, -, on, at, on, in
  • Complete with passive voice. The office __ (to clean) yesterday morning.
    was cleaned
  • Complete the sentence. I'll do ___ for you! Just ask me. I need ___ from you. Don't call me again.
    anything, nothing
  • Modals. I think you ___ (not play) volleyball that often
  • Superlative or comparative. She's ____ (bad) singer in our class. - I don't think so. She sings ___ (good) than me.
    the worst, better
  • What is a lorry/ ferry/coach? Explain
  • Choose the right tense. She ___ (travel) to London next week. I hope she __ (enjoy) it.
    is travelling, will enjoy
  • Choose the right ending: ed/ing. I feel depress__, this movie is excit__, he seemed a little distract__ at the lesson
    ed, ing, ed
  • What's the difference between lift and elevator?
    American English, British English
  • Choose the article. ___ girl I told you about, __ Moon, __ USA, __England, _ lake Naroch, __ Dnieper, go to __ school, have __ good imagination, eat __ piece of cheese, don't like __ meat, this is __ honest person
    the, the, the, -, -, the, -, -, a, -, an
  • Paraphrase using a different construction. When I was little, I played basketball a lot. Unfortunately, I don't have time now
    I used to play
  • Translate: терпеливый, чувствительный, упрямый, испорченный, тревожный
    patient, sensitive, stubborn, spoilt, anxious