
Purim Fun!

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  • What is a custom that we do on Purim? 2 answers
    Dress up, eat hamantshen
  • Who was invited to Acheshverosh's first party?
    Officers, Advisers etc..
  • Who celebrates Shushan purim today?
    Anyone who lives in a city that had a wall around it in the time of Yehoshua
  • Where did the story of Purim take place?
    In Persia, in the city of Shushan
  • What was the new decree that was made to help the Jews?
    The Jewish people could fight back anyone who tries to kill them on the 14th day of Adar.
  • How much money should we give for Matanot Le'evyonim
    Enough for TWO poor people to have a meal
  • What are the Mitzvot of Purim Day?
    1. Hear the Megillah 2. Eat a Meal 3. Give Money to the poor 4. Mishloach Manot - Send gifts of food to friends
  • How many times do you hear the Megillah on Purim?
    2 times. Once at night and Once during the day.
  • Where is Hashem hinted to in the Megillah?
    When it says "HaMelech" - The King without the name of Acheshverosh. Hashem is THE KING of the whole world
  • What is the Hebrew Date of Purim?
    14th of Adar
  • What are some customs that we do on Purim? 3
    Eat Hamantaschen, shake groggers, dress up
  • How did Haman decide which day he wanted to kill the Jews?
    He made a "Pur" - lottery
  • Who got an extra day to fight the enemies of the Jews? What is the date?
    The people who lived in the city of Shushan - 15th of Adar - Also called "Shushan Purim"
  • How many people is it a Mitzvah to give Mishloach Manot to?
    Two different food items to ONE person
  • Who was invited to Acheshverosh's second party?
    The people of Shushan
  • What was Achashveriosh reaction to when Esther said that Haman wants to kill her and her people?
    He was so upset, he went outside to the garden to calm down.
  • Why couldn't the decree be canceled?
    Because it was signed and sealed by the King's signet ring.
  • When was Vashti killed?
    On the 7th day of the party - Shabbat
  • How many times is Haman's name in the Megillah?
  • What made Haman decide to kill the Jews?
    Because Mordechai wouldn't bow down to him, and the Jewish people followed Mordechai
  • Which part of the Megillah is read in one breath? Why?
    The ten sons of Haman - they were hung at once.
  • When did the story all start to change?
    In the middle of the night - Achashverosh couldn't sleep.
  • Who wrote Megillat Esther?
    Mordechai and Esther
  • How many sons did Haman have?
  • How many silver coins did Haman offer Achashverosh?
  • What made it that the decree of killing the Jews could not be reversed / changed?
    It was signed by the signet ring of the King so it could not be changed.
  • How did the Jewish people sin?
    They went to Acheshverosh's party
  • What did Haman wear on his neck?
    An idol
  • Whose name is never mentioned in the Megillah? And Why?
    Hashems! The hand of Hashem was hidden in the events - creating a hidden miracle.
  • How many countries did Achashveyrosh rule over?
  • What did Mordechai tell Esther not to reveal to Achasheverosh?
    That she was Jewish and who her family and nation was.
  • How many Mitzvot are there on Purim day?