
107-2 U3 What did you do last night? Unit Review

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  • 請將以下句子改成過去式 The sandwich looks yummy now.
    The sandwich looked yummy three minutes ago.
  • 你一個小時前在做甚麼?
    What did you do an hour ago?
  • 請將以下句子改成過去式 What does he do today?
    What did he do yesterday?
  • Spell out "上周末"
    last weekend
  • Practice makes perfect. 中文?
  • 他們上周末在做什麼?
    What did they do last weekend?
  • Spell out "澆花" (現在式)
    water the plants
  • 請判斷以下句子的時態,並說出關鍵字 We walked our dog yesterday afternoon.
    過去式 walked , yesterday
  • 請將以下句子改成過去式 She plays basketball every Saturday.
    She played basketball last Saturday.
  • 她昨晚在看電視。
    She watched TV last night.
  • do 和 does過去式?
  • 請將以下句子改成過去式 Jolin dances in the living room every day.
    Jolin danced in the living room last night.
  • 請判斷以下句子的時態,並說出關鍵字 David plays switch after dinner every day.
    現在式 plays , every
  • 過去式三個關鍵字?
    yesterday, last, ago
  • Spell out "洗碗" (過去式)
    washed the dishes
  • 請將以下句子改成過去式 Alan Walker goes to bed early today.
    Alan Walker went to bed early yesterday.
  • Spell out "打掃房間" (過去式)
    cleaned the room
  • 過去式一般動詞+___?